Skybeam Energy


Welcome to The powrmates Knowledge Base.

At PowrMates, we hold a wealth of knowledge about using solar to reduce your energy costs and provide new and compelling options for your home, up to and including true energy independence and energy security during outages. Our knowledge base includes much of the information regularly given out by our advisers.

Who is PowrMates?

PowrMates was incorporated in Florida in 2016 for the purpose of installing energy efficient lighting and electrical devices for commercial and residential customers. Our focus shifted over the years to installing solar devices and systems for residential customers only.

Our present mission is to provide homeowners, especially those with swimming pools, with the most energy efficient and cost saving equipment and systems to greatly reduce their consumption and cost of electricity. We are proud to be able to be a benefit for our customers’ pocketbooks and well as doing good for the planet.

How does the PowrMates plan work?

The process is simple. Start by asking yourself, “Does my family want to enjoy a warm pool this fall, winter and spring without breaking the bank?” If the answer is “Yes”, the next step is to contact us today and discuss your current energy costs and current pool heating system. After one of our expert advisors reviews your existing pool heating and pumping systems, we’ll immediately get to work designing a custom energy efficiency system that will slash your pool heating costs – we guarantee it!

How much money can I save?

PowrMates’ mission is to work with homeowners to slash their energy bills. We accomplish this by enabling homeowners, with or without pools, to install an energy efficient system that fits their budgets, reduces energy costs, and increases their home’s value.

You can rely on PowrMates to help you sort through the options available in pool pumping and heating, solar PV, solar thermal, energy storage systems, HVAC systems, energy monitoring systems, and tax credits.

Our experienced designers and installers provide clients with energy-saving systems that enable owners of even very large pools to swim in 90˚water in the cold of winter for no more than $3 per day. Whatever size of system we recommend, we guarantee rock- bottom energy bills.

Solar FAQs

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels are made of highly conductive materials that use the sun’s rays to create direct current electricity. As most homes and businesses use alternating current, solar panels use inverters to turn the direct current into alternating current that then flows through your home’s property wiring, just like power from the grid.


Will my solar panels generate electricity on cloudy days?

Solar panels use the sun’s UV rays to generate power. Similar to how your skin can tan even if it’s cloudy, your solar panels will still generate electricity during cloudy and rainy days, just not as much as as a clear, sunny day.


What is Net-Metering?

Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid.  A solar pv system generates more electricity than the home uses during daylight hours. If the home is net-metered, the electricity meter will run backwards to provide a credit against what electricity is consumed at night or other periods when the home’s electricity use exceeds the system’s output. Customers are only billed for their “net” energy use.

How much will I save on my electric bills?

How much you save will depend on how much energy you use, where you live and what your utility company charges for electricity. But in most cases, PowrMates’ solar plus battery systems will off set 90% of your electricity use.


How soon will I notice a difference in my electric bills?

Immediately! Your solar PV system will start generating energy for your property the day it’s installed.



Are solar panels hard to maintain?

Solar panels require very little maintenance. In fact, your air conditioner needs more maintenance than your solar panels will. That’s because solar panels don’t have any moving parts and so there is very little chance of anything breaking.


How does the Federal tax credit work?

The investment tax credit (ITC), also known as the federal solar tax credit, allows you to deduct 26% percent of the cost of installing a solar energy system from your federal taxes. Learn more about how the ITC can help decrease your cost for a solar panel system.


Will installing solar panels void my roof's warranty?

No. The products PowrMates uses will keep your roof under warranty. PowrMates also has its own workmanship warranty as well as warranties on all our system components.

Why is solar so expensive? How can I afford it?

Homeowners often believe that they will be paying the full amount of the cost for the solar panels upfront, or over a short period of time, when many homeowners qualify for 25 – 30 year loans, with monthly payments that are lower than their present monthly payment for electricity. Over the course of their loan many homeowners save as much as $75,000.

In most years, utilities average a 4% increase in the price they charge per kilowatt-hour. One Florida utility, Tampa Electric (TECO), intends to raise electricity prices at the beginning of next year by 18%. Over time, these annual increases can cause the price of electricity to increase by 50%-100%, increasing the amount of savings to the solar user each year.

What do you mean "no money down"? Solar can't be free. What does it mean?

When PowrMates tells you no money down, we mean:

  • There are no up-front costs
  • The proposal and quote process is free of charge
  • The installation of the solar panels are at no additional cost to the customer, no money upfront, no money down.
  • Monthly payments are simple, no hidden fees, no surprises, it’s exactly what we tell you when you finish the credit application and qualify for a banking option.


I want to sell my home in a few years. What happens when I want to sell?

Solar equipped homes tend to sell at prices from 5% – 10% higher than homes of similar location and size without solar. If you want to sell your home down the road, it still makes sense to go solar. Make sure to inform your solar expert about your desire to sell the home in the future and talk about how that can work with your qualifying bank.


How many solar panels do I need? My home is 2200 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and I pay $150 a month.

PowrMates does not calculate your solar needs based simply on the square footage of your home nor by how many rooms you have. Estimating solar in this way has left a lot of customers in a bad spot, because their solar systems  were underpriced and turned out to be not enough solar for their consumption.

Can you imagine installing a $30,000 system and then finding out that you still owe $100 each month to your electric company? What a mess! We avoid this catastrophe by observing your energy usage (as shown on your electric bill) and designing a system that meets your needs. You will not be paying unexpectedly high bills.


Bottom Line

With Skybeam Energy’s smart solutions, you won’t need to buy as much “stuff” to accomplish the same desired outcome.


The very latest in swimming pool technology.

© Mobilefelix, Ltd. 2022




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